Education Support

Giving to those who are less fortunate is part of the process of contributing towards social transformation. ProVest is committed to giving hope, validation and restoring pride and dignity to the less fortunate learners. It is against this background that Platchro Mining Services, a subsidiary of ProVest Group recently donated winter school tracksuits to 24 needy learners of Bonwakgogo Primary School at Robega village. These learners were identified through care and support towards teaching and learning initiatives at the school. In presenting the gifts Matthew Molobeng, Director at Platchro Rasimone, mentioned that he is humbled to be part of the initiative. He said that as a local member it is important to give back to the community where he grew up. A representative from the beneficiaries, learner Onkarabile Nkotsoe expressed her gratitude and requested that the company should return at a later stage to help the girls at the school.

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