Ga-Mampuru Soccer & Netball Tournament

ProVest believes that positive change happens by listening to communities and hearing what people need. Understanding the kind of help that is wanted and needed ensures that the solutions and assistance provided are relevant to the cause. It is against this back ground that ProVest heeded to the call by JJC Environmental requesting sponsorship for soccer and netball gear for children in Ga-Mampuru village covering  Newstands, Nazareth, Nkgetheng, Kamotseng, Dipolateng, Ditentseng, Sethokgeng and Potase sections. Over and above that, ProVest sponsored the scoreboard erected on the playing field.

This donation was used during the soccer and netball tournaments held during the winter holidays. The objective of the tournament was to keep children occupied during holidays so that they refrain from engaging in unbecoming activities and to develop and nurture talent in various sporting codes.

It was a day filled with fun and excitement. The organisers of the tournament Jan Ntshwane and Adam Mashegwane were grateful that they managed to secure sponsorship for the tournament and that the soccer and netball gear instilled a sense of pride on the players.

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